Thursday, May 29, 2008

Tagged again

My Photo friend, Kara May, "tagged" me (again) so now I have to post 8 things about myself along with the rules. I also added an image of me when I was 5 just for kicks. Don't you love my awesome homemade dress from the 80's? I still have the dress. Why? Nobody knows.

The Rules.
*Post the rules before you give the facts.
*Post eight random facts about yourself.
*At the end of your blog post, you need to tag 3 people and list their names
*Leave the people you tagged a comment on their blog, letting them know that they've been tagged.I'll try not to tell anything that I told you all the last time I was tagged. ;-)

1. I am learning to garden. I just planted my first tomato today.
2. I have been waking up at 5 AM everyday this week to go to the gym which is a little miracle since I haven't worked out in months!
3. I like to camp but have no camping gear to do so.
4. I LOVE garage sales but am trying to avoid them this year because we are trying to declutter
5. I graduated in Elementary Education and don't plan to ever use my degree. Photography is where my passion is.
6. My desk is a MESS! Cleaning is not my forte, but I try.
7. I love big breakfasts but rarely make them in the morning so lately we've been having "brinner" (breakfast for dinner).
8. I can stick my entire fist in my mouth.

Now I should tag 3 people but I am one of those people that doesn't ever forward junk mail or chain letters (call me a rebel or just call me lazy) so I am going to relieve my friends of the assignment.

1 comment:

Jess said...

I love to read this about you. I love a little snipit of your personal live.

...and i have to tell you I love that photo with the boy in the bobcat (whatever it is).