Friday, August 15, 2008

Don't look if you're baby hungry.

This newborn was SOOO good. I don't think I heard her cry once. I'd like to think that it is my Baby Whispering techniques but mostly it was because she was an angel baby... an angel baby with thick, jet black hair. The top image makes me laugh because her Mom told me she tried to comb it down and it just went right back to vertical. It's so lovely though. Her skin tones and hair were the perfect contrast for B&W images.

Oh and the pictures with her brother...were a little miracle. I am still in awe at how still this 2 year old boy was while his li'l sis was on him. My kids would have NEVER done that. In fact, I think I tried that shot and never got it. Oh, the photo gods must have been helping us that day. Did I mention that I LOVE newborns?!


Liz R. said...

those are the sweetest pictures! love the hair and those sibling pictures are priceless.

i tried to do that w/ anna. here is the results:

that's the best i could get because she kept wanting to honk his nose or poke his eye.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhh yes - the photo gods were with you FOR SURE. These are simply gorgeous. Love every single thing about them!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh! I am one of the proud Aunts. She is so beautiful and so is big brother. I cannot wait to see both of them in person, since my family and I live a long ways away. You are a amazing photographer, I wish I had someone like you where I live. And it helps when you have such beautiful subjects!