Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Portraits in a Pumkin Patch

I couldn't resist the bum shot!

Remember him? This is one of my Baby planners and I couldn't believe how much he had changed since his newborn session! Check out his killer red locks. Love 'em. In fact, I think he is the first redheaded boy I have photographed. Wow! Where are all the redheads in Nevada?

I thought his hair went perfectly with the pumpkin patch. We got a couple shots of him at home too. He has the cutest smile! Don't you just wanna squish him?

1 comment:

Da home of Reeves said...

I am a red head and hopefully have a red headed little girl coming out soon. At least my dad says she better be red head or we are sending her back. haha fat chance of that happening. Hopefully though we can get a red head little girl.