Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pimp my chair

This weekend we did some yardwork and de-cluttering and made a trip to the dump.  When we drove past the furniture pile at the dump, a pillar of light shone down on this chair.  Now, this may look like junk to some but to me, it has great potential so I took it home.  I had my daughter try it out that night in some pics and I think it will rock for portraits!  (I love the headshot of my daughter.  I was squealing with delight when I looked at the back of my camera).

Here's where I need your help.  The seat cover obviously needs some help.  What would you do to this?? What kind of fabric could I use to cover it with?  I need your help to make it FABULOUS!


Trish said...

You know I'm dying over that chair! I can't believe you found such an awesome freebie! I think a vintage black and white covering would be supa-cute!

Jodi said...

Awesome! I'm looking for a small chair... maybe I should go to the dump. :)

Karen said...

My nieces all think dots are so cool so I'd go for dots. Maybe lime green dots on a white background.
Or....find a really cool parasol and then find some material to match for the chair.
Or...make a poofy (foot rest thingy) to match whatever you choose for the chair. You can have the mama hold a child just old enough to sit on it and she sits on the chair.
Or...make a really light, blow-easily-in-the-wind scarf to match whatever you choose to cover the chair with.
Or...make some cute hair bows and head bands and hat bands and ties, to match whatever you choose to make the cover of the chair with.

Kristy said...

Very fun chair! I also love that headshot of Savannah. Just gorgeous!

I have no fabric suggestions. I am not crafty that way. However, I can't wait to see what you come up with! :)