Friday, August 22, 2008

{Wall of the Week}

I decided to start doing more Walls of the Week since I have more to share so for this week, I am sharing this little boy's images. He is the big brother to the newborn that I recently photographed (see last Friday's post) and I've had the privilege of photographing him since he was a baby as well.

I am in LOVE with the Storyboard and frame that his Mom chose for his room. It fits perfectly and is so fun because his Dad is a train driver. She is doing a girly one for the baby's room that I cannot wait to show you when it's finished and hung.

Above their fireplace they also had some images of this little guy. I love the simplicity of the display. Canvas Wraps are nice because they do not need to be framed and add a clean and simple look to any decor.

P.S. On a different note, I decided that to make Back to School special (thanks everyone for your cute ideas!) I am going to make them a pencil cake each year (well, at least while they are young). I thought I would share in case you'd like to do the same. Here is the recipe: PENCIL CAKE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow that top wall is SO killer - so YOU and SO top notch high end!