Friday, December 26, 2008

Meal for the masses

Just had to share this killer recipe that I am making for the whole fam-damily. It's DARN easy (you make it in the crockpot) and good. Oh and it's fat free ;0) (minus the entire pint of whipping cream-he.he.he)

Tomato Chicken Fettuccini
3 chicken breasts (I used frozen, & it worked fine)
2 cans stewed tomatoes
1 bunch green onions, chopped
1 t. oregano1 t. basil
2 cloves minced garlic
*you could probably add artichoke hearts, sliced mushrooms, or whatever else sounds good.

*Put all above ingredients in a crock pot on low for 8 - 10 hours.
Combine in separate bowl:
1 pint whipping cream
3 eggs
1-2 c. parmesan cheese
Pour in crock pot for last hour of cooking.

Serve over Fettuccini.



Anonymous said...

Sounds good! I might try this next week. I have to make dinner for a big group while we are at a beach house.

Mikaela said...

This sounds good and super easy. My kind of dinner. It is in the crockpot right now! :)