Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Your turn to help.

When I heard about this local family, I was in tears. Since complimentary portraits (see http://www.givingisawesome.com/ post below) are not an option because the little boy is still in the hospital, I had to do something.

Here's their story: In September little three-year-old Caden told his dad his head hurt. They took him to the doctor who referred them to Stanford University, where Caden had a brain tumor removed and is currently there receiving cancer treatment. His mom had a one-month-old baby at the time and her maternity leave is now up. Her co-workers pooled their hours and bought her another 100 hours of time to spend with her son. The father is a carpenter and is currently out of work. This family has been staying at the Ronald McDonald house while Caden gets his treatments. He needs to be in the hospital until the middle of January. Meanwhile the family is in need of help. We are trying to help the father find employment but meanwhile things are tough.

We are hoping to make Christmas a little brighter for this family. I know times are tight for all of us but I thought if we could get 100 people to chip in just $5 (that's the price of a fast-food value meal) we could donate $500 to this family. Even better, if 100 people chip in $10 we could provide this family with $1000.

Put yourself in their shoes and take 5 minutes to donate $5 to this family. You will be blessed and so will they. I will be presenting them with a check on Sunday, December 21st so please donate asap. See donation button to the right ----------->

If you do not have a Paypal account, please send a check asap to:
France Photography
626 Mary St.
Carson City, NV 89703

Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Count me in...I'll email you.

Kristi said...

Good for you Kelli! You have a good heart. I have sent some money via Paypal. Thanks for letting us help!

Anonymous said...

thanks, kelli, for sharing...you have a heart of gold!

sending prayers and hugs to caden and his family!

erin carlyle said...

You have a big heart! Going to send money now!

Erin Stones said...

I just sent some $, plus I added a link on my blog to yours so that more people might find out about it and donate!

Jane Photo said...

i hope this little tyke gets better. I will send some $.