Wednesday, October 08, 2008

CHERISH CHILDHOOD ~ our hospital experience

Monday night we had a bit of a scare. It all started with a cough. My 4-year-old son ("Bubzee") had a mild cough (whose kid doesn't at this time of year?) When I was reading books to him before nap, I could tell that he was breathing kinda funky too.

So I called the doctor and they didn't call me back until 4:30ish. When I told them that that he was a bit weezy, they told me to take him in right away. Well of course, he wanted his Daddy to take him to the Dr. (my sons are Daddy's boys) so I stayed home with my daughter who was kinda sick too.

I thought nothing of it until Matt called and said that Bubs had to stay in the hospital overnight because his oxygen was too low. He told me he'd call me back after they got settled in. Of course, our truck was broken down and my daughter had fallen asleep on the couch so I was stuck. All alone.
There is nothing worse than being a mother and not knowing what will happen to your child. There is nothing worse than waiting by the phone, having no control over what might happen to him. There is nothing worse than not being there for him when he needed me most. I bawled. and bawled.
I started thinking how NOTHING. NOTHING. else in this whole world right now mattered to me but that child and his wellness. I started thinking back and wondering if I had hugged him and spent enough time with him that day, that month, that year and for his whole life. This may seem silly but I even thought how I had not taken his 4-year-old photos this year and how devastated I would be if he were to pass away and I wouldn't have those images of him to remember his sweet little spirit by. It brings tears to my eyes right now to think of it all.

Things really come into perspective when you think you might lose a child.
Well, things turned out to be fine. His oxygen levels raised and my neighbor gave me a ride to the hospital where I stayed the night. My nurse turned out to be one of my newborn client's moms so they took great care of us and we left the next morning.
My logo for my business is one that I try to remember as a mother ~ CHERISH CHILDHOOD. Because you never know how long you will have the privilege of being a mother to your children.


Kristi said...

Oh boy! What a scare! I'm so glad he is fine though. I'm sorry you guys had to go through all that. It does make you hug your children a little bit tighter! Hope you all get well soon!!

Angela said...

Oh no! That's so scary. We had a few scares like that ourselves with our little girl when she was 2. She ended up being diagnosed with athsma. Every change of season she gets "weezy" and there are times her oxygen levels drop to where she's needed to be hospitalized. I know how scary that is! I hope everything turns out ok for him.

Mikaela said...

What a scary thing Kelli! I hope that he gets better everyday!

Erin Stones said...

What a coincidence! Jake had to take our daughter to the ER on Monday night as well. I stayed home because the baby was sleeping and if she woke up to nurse Jake would not do her any good! So... I got to wait those agonizing hours for them to come home too! She either had the stomach flu or food poisoning- who knows which one for sure, but she had been vomiting every 15 minutes for 3 hours by the time we got her there. Poor little two-year old didn't understand why we couldn't make it stop! I am glad to hear that things are okay for him though!

Keri said...

wow Kelly I want you to knwo you can always call on me im right down the street I dont care if its the middle of the ngiht i would love to have watched the kids for you as you went up to the hospital. im glad your neighbor helped. I know the feeling of coming face to face with death and with your child. Trevor choked last month and he turned blue and wasnt breathing the 911 didnt get there quick enough and we almost lost him but he came our okay by the grace of God. I remember screaming out a prayer in tears as I held trevor blue and limp. I even did cpr it didnt work. after the prayer he instantly woke up and coughed out his food. pure miracle. Youre right you have to cherish every moments. i love your slogan. its so true. im glad hes okay and getting better. wt a close one.

Heather said...

I am oh so sad to hear about this! I am oh so thankful he is ok. Nothing hurts me more than seeing my child sick or in pain and not being able to take it away! I agree with you about cherishing our little ones...they grow up way too fast....I loved Pres. Monsons's talk about enjoying life now! It really helps on those long days when dishes, laundry, and contant whining just seem to never end. Love you and your cute kids...take care!

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you little one is ok. Pretty scary! I remember when Destiny was little, she got croup one night when I was alone with her without a car! As a Mother, you do feel so utterly helpless when your precious ones are not doing well, even when they are old enough to be Mom's themselves!

Clarke and Kamie said...

oh so glad to hear all turned out ok...but it's kind of a blessing to have an hour or 2 of scare because it sure humbles you and makes you remember what is truly important...not clothes, vacations, your house, etc but your BABIES!

Kelly said...

I stumbled across your blog (and awesome photography) a few weeks ago, and I'm very happy I did. Love your work! Turns out we live in the same city and have very similar interests!

Sorry to hear about your son! My son (also 4 years old) has been in and out of the hospital the last couple months (3 times so far...) with breathing problems that turned into pneumonia. Turns out he has asthma! Not sure if it would help at all, but you can read about my son's experience on my blog, Maybe it will help you worry just a little less about your own son (although us moms never quit worrying completely, do we?).

I wish all the best for your little guy and hope he gets past this with no lasting problems!

Brosita said...

Sorry you guys had to go through that. Glad to hear he is doing better. Give Bubs a hug for us.

Angie Monson said...

I totally feel your pain, my kids has been hospitalized for low levels too, so scary, calling 911 and all that jazz and it really does put your life into perspective so fast. So glad he is okay.