Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Here's a photo of my little guy last year when we dressed him up
for Halloween as "Alfalfa" from Little Rascals.

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Halloween. Probably because I love to dress up. Always have. I have dressed up for Halloween EVERY year of our marriage and my husband has totally humored me and dressed up too. I tried to find a photo of me when I dressed up as a pregnant (with my oldest) Wonder Woman but I have no idea where I put the darn thing. But, we've got some sweet costumes this year so be on the lookout for future images.

Enough about me though. I know there are a lot of Moms out there who read this that have adorable kids who will be wearing some fabulous costumes for Halloween. To celebrate my favorite holiday, I thought we'd have a costume contest. Please email me ( a photo of your child(ren) in his/her costume this year by Sunday November 2nd. I will post the photos on Monday and the voting will begin! Voting will end on Tuesday at midnight so after you vote for the President, come vote for the best costume on my blog!

The contest winner will receive a $35 Gift Certificate to my favorite Boutique I can't wait to see your entries!


Kristi said...

I remember Kelli dressing up ALL the time! You didn't even need a silly excuse like Halloween! It comforts me to know that you are still the same and still enjoy it! I think my husband is finally going to dress up this year! It's a first! We aren't dressing up as anything special, but I'll send you photos anyways.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh that is my fave pic of abe. LOVE that one! And I'm dying to see your wonder woman costume. :)

wdelanophoto said...

Oh my gosh- totally love the Alfalfa costume! LOL. What an original idea- he looks adorable!